Portmore Schools Showjumping Competition

Portmore Equestrian Centre Schools Showjumping Competition

27th January 2018


Arena 1 Indoor Bluegrass arena

1 Primary School Individual 50cm

2 Primary School Individual 60cm

3 Primary School Individual 70cm

4 Primary School Team 70cm

Arena 2 Outdoor Bluegrass Arena

1 Secondary School Novice Team […]

By |January 12th, 2018|News, Schedules|Comments Off on Portmore Schools Showjumping Competition|

Arena Eventing league

Starts Sunday 7th Jan and will run till 11th Febuary
Classes 75cm, 85cm, 1m, 1.10m

£1000 prize fund in the final
Plus lots of prizes
Sponsored by Bluegrass

Must attend min 3 rounds to qualify for prizes in the final

By |January 4th, 2018|News, Schedules|Comments Off on Arena Eventing league|

6/7 year old Championship

1. Cassino Royale, Peter Smyth
2. Merlins Tango, Shane Mc Closkey
3. Last miute Van overis, Tom Hearne
4. Delle Lux, Gareth Clinghan
5. Rock n rolla, Richard Murray
6. Lisbane Aladdin, Kelly Taggart
7. Microchip Billy Adrain
8. Fyfin Charlie, Jonathan Smyth
9. Beechmore Lady Lux Eric Smith
10. Kilcrorig High Hopes, Emma Jackson
11. Darling Sherlock, Gabriel Tunney
12. Kyleen Bouncer, Peter Smyth
13. […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

TRI 1.20m Championship

TRI 1.20m Championship
1. Kilcorig High Hopes, Emma Jackson
2. Corlioni Lisa Priestly
3. Karmijn, Suzanne Posnett
4. Ardragh Stien, Gerard Clarke JNr
5. Dyolita Shannon Mackenzie
6. Luke Campbell, Aussolas Grace
7. Sansibar, John Higgins
8. CJO max a million, Edward Little
9. Jasper Bogibo Z Kirsten Farr
10. Cruising Spiderman, Billy Adrain
11. Tara Dunne Courtesan C
12. Creevagh For Sure, Emma Jackson
13. Democrat […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

North West Farrier 5 yr old Champinship

North West Farrier 5 Year old Championship
1.Mulvin Lighs out, Jonathan Smyth
2. Carra Lux Quality, Emma Jackson
3.Blackrock Beauty, Edward Little
4. Shannondales Remus, Lucy Gibson
5.Hilton Rory Lavery
6. Tehenga Beach, Yvonne Whiteside
7.Miss Valent Olivia Roulston
8. Keeford High Rise, Noel Mc Kee
9. SJ Engineer Stephen Mc Manus
10. Kenneth Graham Hyves onde w
11. Drumiller sensation, Catherine Thornton
12. Candy Man, […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

1.10m Campbell & Co Championship

1.10m Campbell and Co Championship
1. Karmijn Suzanne Posnett
2. Silken Allure Emma Jackson
3.GHS All in, Leanne Marshall
4.Mullentine Sure Daimond, Rachel Chapman
5.Hyves Onde W, Kenneth Graham
6.Unique Boutique, Kathryn O Hagan
7. Seaview Lass, Joanne Gibson
8. Brockagh loughhoe Lady, Stephen Smith
9. Tiffcrum Abbey, Rachel Mc cauley
10. First Spender Ts, Mark Calvert
11. Crossmaglen Bandit, Charlotte harding
12. MGS Isavelle, Barry […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

LCC 4 year old Championships

LCC 4 year old Championhip
1 LCC Bond Kelly Taggart
2 Tempo Jackson, Gabriel Tunney
3 Sandro Girl Michael Cave
4 Crystal Graf Jonathan Smith
5 Diamant de la mer, James Winters
6 CHS Fortitude Kathryn O Hagan
7 Holystown Rose, Gerard Clarke JNR
8 Im Boss WH, Fergus Reid
9 […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

1m Duncan Harrow Championship

1m Duncan Harrow Championship
1. Jodie Creighton, Newmarket Allo
2. Suzanne Posnett, Diarado Royale
3. GHS All in, Leanne Marshall
4. Anjo carrick bel, John Mc Kinney
5. Clocha Liath St Louis, Fergus Mc Girr
6. Beach Sunrise, Claire Greenan
7. Highvaro, Gareth Nethercote
8. Ever so clever Sarah Wilson
9. Je taime Le fantome, Lisa smith
10. Just becasue D&M, Ryan Mc Guigan
11. […]

By |October 27th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

6/7yr old qual

6/7yr old qual thurs
Delle Lux, Gareth Clinghan
Rock n rolla, Richard Murray
Lisbane Aladdin, Kelly Taggart
Cassino Royale, Peter Smyth
Microchip Billy Adrain
Fyfin Charlie, Jonathan Smyth
Kyleen Bouncer, Peter Smyth

Suzanne Posnett, Foesuela
Crystal Tom, Jonathan Smith
Corlioni, Lisa Priestley
Intis, Tom Hearne
Garronturton Beach Olivia […]

By |October 26th, 2017|Results, Schedules|0 Comments|

5yr old Qual thurs

5 year old Qual Thurs
Mulvin Lights out, Jonathan Smyth
Carra Lux Quality, Emma Jackson
Black rock Beauty, Edward Little
Shannondale Remus, Lucy Gibson
Hilton, Rory Lavery
Tehenga Beach, Yvonne whiteside
Miss Valent, Olivia Roulston
Keeford High Rise, Noel Mc Kee
Avalent, Olivia Roulston
SJ Engineer, […]

By |October 26th, 2017|News, Schedules|0 Comments|